Avoiding Avoidance

Group of friends happily having lunch in an outside cafe. Avoiding life is not the path to recovery. Get help with online PTSD therapy in Ohio and Kentucky.

PTSD and Avoidance One of the topics that comes up often in PTSD is this idea of avoidance. Avoidance is the conscious or unconscious effort to push away painful thoughts, memories, and emotions, or to avoid people, places, or things that may remind you of past trauma. This makes sense right? If something is painful … Read more

Trauma Therapy: Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE)

Woman stands in front of lardge window looking out at the world. PE therapy is shown to help treat PTSD effectively. Prolonged exposure therapy in Ohio is available to help!

Of of the most researched and effective treatments for PTSD is Prolonged Exposure Therapy, or PE. PE is a treatment I love to offer in my practice because you get to see results quickly, and who doesn’t want that?!

Trauma Therapy: Cognitive Processing Therapy

4 sillhouettes of brains in a row processing thoughts. PTSD can be all consuming in your life. Regain control with cognitive processing theory in Ohio.

As a specialist in PTSD, one of the therapies I use in my practice is Cognitive Processing Therapy, or CPT. CPT is evidence-based, meaning it has been researched and shown to be effective in treating PTSD. It is a 12-session weekly individual therapy structured to provide you most relief from your symptoms.

Trauma Therapy: Best PTSD Treatments

Two brians, one jumbled reflecting PTSD and one that is clear and organized after PTSD treatment.There are several ways to treat PTSD effectively. Our PTSD therapists in Ohio specialize in PTSD treatment and are here to help.

I offer the two most widely researched and most widely utilized PTSD therapies to date. Not only do research studies say they work, but I’ve had 11 years of seeing them work. I’ve seen people smile again and reconnect with others. I’ve seen people start living again. Read here to learn a little more about Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE).

Trauma Therapy: Common Concerns

Young woman sitting by a window looking out pensively. PTSD treatment does not have to be scary. Our online PTSD therapist in Ohio is here to gently guide you through the process.

One common concern I’m repeatedly hearing is that folks think treatment will somehow make things worse. PTSD is a disorder that worsens over time, and the more that you avoid dealing with it, the worse it becomes and the longer it lasts. With that said, the symptoms of avoidance can be the very symptoms maintaining your PTSD and preventing you from taking the leap into getting help you need.

Why is a PTSD Assessment Important?

Catoon of a woman talking to a therapist sorting out her thoughts. An assessment is a helpful tool to determine what level and tpye of trauma therapy you need.

Without a good assessment, it’s impossible to know which treatment you may benefit most from and why. Learn why a thorough assessment is the first step in PTSD treatment.

What is PTSD?

Tiles spell out PTSD next to a small plant. PE therapy is shown to help treat PTSD effectively. Prolonged exposure therapy in Ohio is available to help!

We hear the term “PTSD” often, but what is PTSD? Here’s the breakdown of the trauma that can lead to PTSD and its related symptoms.

PTSD Screen

Collage of different types of silhouettes of people in red, white, and blue. PTSD can impact anyone, its not picky!An online PTSD therapist in Ohio is here to help anyone struggling with PTSD.

If you find yourself struggling or not feeling yourself, it’s natural to try to figure out what is going on. Sometimes these struggles show up after trauma and you may be questioning if you may have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. I talk about PTSD as a disorder quite a lot in my work as … Read more